What is my role as a coach on picture day?
As the coach, your main role is to help keep the team organized and on schedule. This includes ensuring the team arrives on time, making sure players are dressed in their uniforms, and encouraging parents to fill out order forms if they plan to order pictures.
When should the team arrive for pictures?
Please have the team arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled photo time. This gives players time to get ready and ensures that everyone is accounted for. Timeliness is key to staying on schedule and making sure everyone gets their photos taken without delays.
Should I notify you once my team arrives?
Teams will be taken in order based on arrival time AND scheduled picture time. To ensure your team is not overlooked, please let us know immediately once you have arrived. There will be a PortraitDivision staff member at the table assigning teams to photographers. Please DO NOT wait until all of your players have arrived to begin being photographed. We will start by taking any individual pictures first and therefore can begin photographing your team even if you are missing many of your players.
Do I need to bring anything for the team on picture day?
We recommend that you bring the team roster and any extra team uniforms you might have. It is also very helpful to bring gear specific to your sport (balls, bats, gloves, etc.) as we might need to borrow items from you for pictures.
Can we bring a prop or mascot?
We welcome and greatly encourage you to bring team mascot prop(s) (inflatable or stuffed characters, flags, etc.) or matching accessories (socks, headbands, etc) to be used in your team pictures. If you're planning to use something that needs to be assembled please do so before your picture time.
What happens if a player is absent on picture day?
If a player misses picture day, we can arrange for a make-up session or take individual photos at a later date, depending on our availability. Please let us know if a player is absent so we can make appropriate arrangements.
How do I ensure that parents know about picture day?
If your league has a team app (TeamSnap, PlayMetrics, etc.) we will add picture day information into the calendar as an event. This should notify you, your players, and their parents. Be sure to remind your team about picture day the week of during practices and through any email or text communications. If your league does not have a team app an email will be sent directly to you with picture day information including your specific picture time. Please forward this to your parents as soon as possible. Also, be sure to remind your team about picture day the week of during practices and through any email or text communications.
What should the players wear for the team photo?
Players should arrive in their full uniform, including jerseys, shorts, socks, shoes, and any gear that’s part of the team uniform. If your team has specific color or apparel guidelines for picture day, please make sure all players are in compliance. TIP: If there is an option between a white uniform and a colored uniform – colored uniforms photograph the best.
How long will picture day take?
The amount of time it will take depends on the size of your team and the number of players. Typically, team photos take about 10-15 minutes. We will do our best to keep the process quick and efficient, but your help in keeping the team organized is appreciated to stay on schedule. If it is within 15 minutes of your game time, and we have not started photographing your team, please let a staff member know immediately.
What if some players are running late?
If a player arrives late, we will do our best to accommodate them, but please try to ensure that all players arrive on time to avoid delays. Late arrivals may miss their scheduled photo time and will need to wait for a break in the schedule or potentially reschedule for a make-up session.
Do parents need to pay for photos on picture day?
Parents can either pre-fill an online printable order form, or Order Online through our store (passwords and links will be sent to you,) or fill out an order form and pay in person on the day of the shoot. We encourage pre-filling out order forms, printing, and bringing them to picture day, as it helps streamline the process. If parents need assistance with ordering, our staff will be available to help on-site.
What should I do if I have concerns about the photos or the process?
If you have any concerns about the photo process or if a parent has a complaint or request, please speak with our team on picture day. We're here to ensure the experience goes smoothly, and we’re happy to address any issues as they arise.
How do I get a copy of the team photo?
Each coach will receive a complimentary coaches gift of the team photo as our way of thanking you for all you do. If you'd like to order prints or additional items with the team photo, please fill out an order form.
Can we take special group photos or themed shots?
If you would like to take a special or funny group photo, please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate all requests and ask parents if they have a specific preference on which photo is used to fulfill their package.
Do I need to be in the team photo?
While it’s not required, it is typical that all coaches be included in the team photo to show leadership and unity.
How can I make sure our team looks great in the photos?
Encourage your players to smile, stand tall, and look proud! Remind them to adjust their uniforms so everything is neat and in place. If your team is a large group, please help us ensure that players are lined up correctly and looking their best for the photo. Our photographers and assistants are expert “posers” and will take all the time needed to ensure you get the best team photo.
Where should my team go while waiting for pictures?
We are known for staying on (if not ahead) of schedule. However, if your team is waiting for their turn, we ask that you keep your team close by the picture table and together as a group. Having the kids sit in the grass or doing warm-ups as a team works well. This will get you through pictures and to your game in a timely manner.
Additional Tips for Coaches:
Be Organized: Have a list of players, and make sure everyone knows the schedule. This helps prevent delays.
Encourage Participation: Remind players to be enthusiastic and smile—photo day is a fun opportunity to capture the team spirit!
Be Supportive: Be on hand to help players adjust uniforms, fix hair, or help calm any nervous children who might be a little shy.
Communicate With Parents: Help parents understand how the photo process works and remind them to pre-fill out an order form online for convenience.